Wednesday, November 22, 2006

18 1/2 Weeks

So I'm still feeling pretty good. No major complaints. I saw the doctor a few days ago and I'm right on track. I've gained about 8-9 pounds now, but still not wearing maternity clothes yet. The silly thing is that I'm actually looking forward to wearing them!

They say the baby is about 5 1/2" long (about the lenght of a sweet potatoe) and weighs almost 7 oz. Not bad.

I can't help but wonder if we are having a boy or girl. Hopefully if all goes as planned we will know in less than a week. Tuesday the 28th is the day! Cross your fingers that this baby isn't crossing it's legs. (=

I can't wait to meet the little one and see what he or she looks like. Who's features will be more dominant? Sal's or mine? My guess is his, but only time will tell.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and check back in next week.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

17 Weeks

Our next ultrasound is scheduled for November 28, 2006. Hopefully if our little one cooperates, we will know what the sex will be. BOY or GIRL? What's your guess? Let us know by posting a comment.

I have to say that I'm starting to get a little of my energy back. I had no idea the first few months would leave me so tired. I guess it's good practice for when the baby comes. Other than a little fatigue, I feel great. Never really had morning sickness. I'm definitely one of the lucky few! I've put on about 5 pounds now. All around the waist. I'm looking forward to feeling some movement in there. Nothing yet, but I know it won't be long.

Little Bennie at 9 weeks

Little Bennie at 6 Weeks